What are implants?
Breast augmentation is a procedure that improves the size and shape of the breasts by placing silicone implants. The popularity of this operation is constantly increasing not only in the World, but also in our country. Before making a decision to enlarge your breasts, it is good to know what the implants are characterized by: shell, content, shape.
The cover is silicone and can be:
• Textured (rough)
• Microtextured
• Smooth
The content can be:
• cohesive gel (of different density)
• liquid silicone
• physiological serum
We work with implants filled with cohesive gel because:
• This is the latest technology in this field
• if the integrity of the shell is broken the gel stays in place
• the gel does not penetrate the shell of the implant as is possible with those filled with liquid silicone or physiological serum
• The aesthetic result is optimal
• If you do not have problems, it is not necessary to change the implants every ten years, as it is necessary for those filled with liquid silicone or physiological serum
• the sense of the patients is for a completely natural bust
• the shape is very good
• natural to the touch
• beautifully fitting in swimwear and clothes
• Round
• Anatomical
• Ergonomic
The choice of form is largely up to the patient. It is good for you to take into account the advice of your surgeon. Anatomical implants sit more naturally, and round ones give more volume in the upper part of the gland. The selection and placement of anatomical implants is more complex and the surgeon must have a lot of experience with them to ensure that the right prostheses will be selected for you. However, they provide an opportunity for some types of loose breasts to avoid additional incisions, due to their shape - fullness in the lower 2/3.
The established relationship between the highly textured surface of the implants and ALCL / giant cell lymphoma/ led to the withdrawal from the market of the implants of the company ALERGAN and established a trend towards the placement of microtextured and smooth implants.

The choice of implants is made during the consultation. You have to tell her what you want, how you imagine your breast augmentation and your vision afterwards, and she will take special measurements and offer you options suitable for you. These measurements are especially important when choosing anatomical implants.