Plastic and aesthetic surgery clinic

Medical center for plastic and aesthetic surgery "Kamiy-D" was created to meet the special needs of patients in need of aesthetic surgery. Our goal is to provide you with high quality service and result.


We offer a number of surgical and non-surgical means to make your face look fresher and younger. And not only that, if you want a new look for your eyes, nose, lips and ears, you can look for us. We will discuss your problem with you and suggest an appropriate procedure.


From breast augmentation to breast reduction, before, during and after surgery, the KAMII-D medical center team will be by your side to make sure that you will be completely satisfied with the appearance of your breasts.


    After body shaping procedures, you will feel different – with higher self-confidence, you will look slimmer and with a tight figure. At the "KAMIY-D" medical center, we approach each patient individually.

      Other Procedures

      At the "KAMIY-D" medical center, we offer you procedures related to intimate parts of the body, correction of scars after experienced operations or traumas, use of your own fat tissue, and if you have lost a lot of weight, we will be able to change the appearance of your hands.

        Surgical procedures

        Естетичната пластична хирургия включва хирургични и нехирургични процедури , които променят структурите на лицето и тялото. Пациентите с реалистични представи за резултатите и в добро здраве са най-подходящите кандидати. Вземането на решение за пластична операция е индивидуален избор, защото никоя здравноосигурителна компания не покрива разходите по тази хирургия. Пластичната хирургия не само променя Вашия външен вид, тя Ви дава ново самочувствие и усещане.

        Non-surgical procedures

        Body corrections

        Facial corrections

        Other Procedures

        Пациентите за нас