Breast reconstructive surgery

It is important for every woman how she looks to feel good. When diagnosed with breast cancer, women feel they are at risk of losing one or both breasts. The diagnosis is usually unexpected and traumatic. In the first place is the thought of preserving health and life. With the development of prevention and oncosurgery, early diagnosed mammary carcinoma is successfully treated. The decision for subsequent reconstructive surgery is complex and the choice is exclusively yours. Many women make this decision not only because they can restore the shape of their body, but also because this operation gives them a different way of life.

An informed consent This is a document that describes in detail the procedure, the possible risks and complications of it and anesthesia, financial relationships. You should carefully read what is written. If you have any questions, feel free to ask your plastic surgeon or anesthesiologist.

Types of reconstruction: The type and extent of the diagnosed carcinoma combined with subsequent treatment will also determine the reconstructive surgery.

There are two main types of recovery operations: with implants and with own tissues:

  • Tissue expansion followed by implant placement is a common procedure. The expander is like a silicone balloon that, after being placed under your muscles and skin, is inflated with saline for a month or two. Once sufficient space and skin is secured, the expander is removed and an implant is placed.
  • Reconstruction with own tissues is done with a flap taken from the back, abdomen or buttocks. This type of recovery is more complex than expansion. The breast can stand more naturally.

How many surgeries are needed in breast reconstruction?

Restorative breast surgeries are multi-staged. The first operation is the most complex. Some patients may need the expander removed and an implant placed. Others from shaping the areola and the nipple or from additional symmetrization of the breasts.

What is the recovery period after such an operation?

Depending on the chosen method, you may have to stay in the health facility for several days. Immediately after the operation, you will feel tired and worn out. Your new breast will be swollen and tight. The drains are removed after 48-72 hours, and the sutures after 12-14 days. The scars will fade over a period of 3-6-12 months depending on the individual qualities of your skin. Pain and discomfort are managed with medication and gradually subside. You will have to postpone sports, heavy lifting for 30 days. The elastic underwear is provided by the clinic and you must wear it for at least 30 days.

What will you look like afterwards?

It is very difficult for your surgeon to determine exactly how you will heal and look after surgery. Sometimes the scar tissue is very aggressive and can affect the size and shape of the breast. The use of creams, plaques for the scars, wearing a bra can have a beneficial effect on the good result.

Are there any risks?

All surgical interventions carry risk, and plastic surgery is no exception. Serious complications are not common when the surgery is done by a qualified plastic surgeon. Possible complications include: infection, hematoma, seroma, delayed healing, persistent pain, unsatisfactory aesthetic result, scar enlargement, etc.

Revision surgery: It is performed after a complication or an unsatisfactory aesthetic result. The incisions are made along the old scars. Recovery is faster and easier.

Please contact us and ask the questions that concern you.