What is it ?
Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) can rejuvenate puffy and tired eyes by removing excess fat, correcting the skin and muscles in the area of the upper or lower eyelids. The surgery can remove bags around the eyes and create a smooth facial contour, resulting in fresher and more youthful looking eyes.
What is the operation?
The operation can be performed under local or general anesthesia. Its duration is not less than two hours. It usually starts with correction of the upper eyelid and then the lower. The incisions are placed in the natural folds of the eyelids. Depending on the chosen technique, fat herniations are removed or fixed to underlying structures. Excess skin is removed. When there is no excess skin, fat removal can also be done without external access, the so-called transconjunctival blepharoplasty. The closure of the incisions is with an aesthetic suture. After healing, these scars are not visible.
Thin paper strips are placed over the stitches, which serve as a bandage. It is good to apply ice after the operation.
Stay in a health facility after local anesthesia is not necessary, but after general anesthesia it is necessary to remain under observation for two hours.
What can be achieved with this operation?
Blepharoplasty is ideal for correcting:
- Sagging, excess or wrinkled skin on the upper eyelid, which in some cases even makes it difficult to see
- Swelling of the upper eyelid caused by fatty deposits
- Bags under the lower eyelids
- Drooping lower eyelid
- Excess skin on the lower eyelid
- Fine wrinkles on the lower eyelid
Blepharoplasty cannot lift the eyebrows and reduce the appearance of deep wrinkles, crow's feet or dark circles under the eyes, but it can be combined with other procedures, such as a forehead lift and Botox.
Are you a good candidate for this surgery?
- You must be healthy
- Have no serious eye diseases
- Have no eye surgery or laser corrections in the last year
- Be motivated to perform blepharoplasty, and not proceed with it under someone else's influence
- Have realistic expectations for this surgery
- Patients with thyroid problems, dry eyes, high blood pressure, diabetes, detached retina, glaucoma and other problems must consult an ophthalmologist.
Before undertaking such a procedure Dr. Zayakova will discuss with you absolutely all the questions that concern you.
An informed consent This is a document that describes in detail the procedure, the possible risks and complications of it and anesthesia, financial relationships. You should carefully read what is written. If you have any questions, feel free to ask your plastic surgeon or anesthesiologist.
What to expect after the operation?
There is usually swelling and bruising that resolves in 10-15 days. Mild pain and discomfort usually last 2-3 days. The sutures are removed on 5-6 days. It is good to avoid significant strain on the eyes, work with a computer for 2-3 weeks. It is good to wear dark glasses.
A patient who has undergone such an operation can return to work after 10-15 days if he feels ready for it. Your eyes may be more sensitive to light and red. Your surgeon will prescribe the appropriate medication. Contact lenses can be inserted after two weeks. Sports should be postponed for a month. After a month or two, you will see the true result of blepharoplasty: a fresher and more youthful appearance, a comfortable feeling. Are there any risks? All surgical interventions carry risks and plastic surgery does not exception. Serious complications are not common when the surgery is done by a qualified plastic surgeon. Usually, after such an intervention, patients experience a feeling of discomfort, which is mainly due to the swelling of the eyelids.
Secondary blepharoplasty: Usually it is associated with some complications – ectropion, bad scar, remaining excess skin and may require additional correction.
Please contact us and ask the questions that concern you.